Setting up EmEditor


Setting up EmEditor - Page 5. Using regular expressions in EmEditor Find dialog

Remember to check Regular Expressions in the find dialog when using these.

Find ASP code: <%(.)*%> works within a single line in emeditor but unfortunately fails over multiple lines (like in many grep tools - unless you put in the exact amount of \n sequences)
<%If xxx whatever %>

Select an entire line in EmEditor with ^.*

^.*\): to strip the lines out of a "Find in Files" EmEditor file.
e.g. it finds this part of the line (which is the "Tag Jump"):
D:\_To Backup\Log analysis\ex021112.log(20264):

The above is useful if you want to use the results page for further processing. (Normally this part of the line forms a Tag Jump hyperlink for EmEditor to open the file at the line number.)

To find repeated words:
(\w+)\W* (?=\1(\W+|\s+|$))

To find repeated lines
This variation excludes blank lines:

Remove date from
12 April 2003 21:22:19
(^[0-9]+ [a-zA-Z]+ [0-9]+) [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]

To find same IP address after switch1 but different stuff following it:
12 May 2003 switch1 xxx
12 May 2003 switch1 yyy
(^[0-9]+ [a-zA-Z]+ [0-9]+\tswitch1\t)([.0-9]+\t)(.*)\n\1\2

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Page 2. Setup previous Search String colors
Page 3. Setting up plug-ins
Page 4. Setting up shortcuts in External Tools menu
Page 5. Using regular expressions in EmEditor Find dialog

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