Setting up EmEditor


Setting up EmEditor - Page 4. Setting up shortcuts in External Tools menu

EmEditor allows you to run external applications such as a compiler or a browser. I have found the following tools settings very useful.

Tools » External Tools » Customize Tools, New.

1. The first one opens Windows Explorer, then highlights the file you are working on. The commands of the form $(...) are instructions to EmEditor, and the / and commas are commandline instructions for Windows Explorer. Use these settings:

Title: highlight file in Explorer
Command: explorer.exe
Arguments: /E, $(Dir), /SELECT, $(Filename).$(Ext)

Click the > button to see the commands supported by EmEditor

2. The second one searches google for the text you have selected in Emeditor:

Title: google search

3. The third one opens a file if you select it's name in your text. For example if you select the red part of the following line:
<!--#include File="../Common/uScripting.asp"--> it will find the uScripting.asp file in the Common folder. The slashes work either way around.

Title: open selected filename
Command: C:\Program Files\EmEditor3\EMEDITOR.EXE
Arguments: $(Dir)\$(CurText)

4. Search the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for the text you have selected in Emeditor:

Title: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Now you've setup your external tools you can setup shortcut keys for them. Or you can just run them with Tools » External Tools » tool name.

Page 5 >>

Page 2. Setup previous search colors
Page 3. Setting up plug-ins
Page 4. Setting up shortcuts in External Tools menu
Page 5. Using regular expressions in EmEditor Find dialog